Monday 8 June 2015

DQ Jurassic Smash Review

All of the posts are now on going to be on WORDPRESS! This blog will be deleted in a couple of weeks be sure to follow the new Broke and Picky! -

I've been missing lately and for that I apologize.

But I AM BACK with cream review... yeah..

Earlier it was the 20th anniversary of the McFlurry and apparently DQ is having a Blizzard anniversary where they're deeming it the "Best Blizzard Menu EVER" It's only out of fairness ( and slight laziness) on my part that I go try some of these flavours.

Before I started this blog I actually tried one of the "Fanniversary" flavours Brownie Chunk Cookie Dough and I wasn't too fond of it. I didn't think they mashed well together as a blizzard soft serve as they do as a hard scoop ice cream flavour (see Ben & Jerry's and Nestle Toll House for fantastic collaborations between brownie and cookie dough). There are other flavours depending on whatever DQ you go to like for example: Oreo Birthday Cake, Salted Caramel Truffle (which was sold out at the location I went to) and also Brownie Batter.

Lets move on to the actual Jurassic Smash

Now I don't know what about the upcoming Jurassic Park Movie says Peanut Butter Cookies but that is the most compelling part of this whole experience.

 So first of all the cashier didn't even flip it upside down, what was up with that? I checked the door and they didn't have the "upside down or free" signs.

It's whatever though. Here it is in all it's glory. The Jurassic Smash consists of:

  • Peanut Butter Cookie Dough pieces
  • Chocolate chip cookie dough pieces
  • Peanut butter
  • Chocolate chunks
All in all it's pretty much a cookie ice cream version of Reese's. Kidding

Unlike McDonalds' ice cream when you can actually tell what's inside of it. The blizzard remains that classic ice cream truck twist when it melts colour that's universal when it's mixed with anything chocolate or caramel related. To be real I don't ever think I've had a pure white blizzard with coloured chunks and that's completely fine.

Now when you bite into it the actual peanut butter cookie pieces, they are unbelievable! They were so f-n good, I actually slowed my chewing down to savour every last piece of it. I'm surprised they haven't done this before, maybe this brings the possibility of other cookie flavours? Chocolate chip seems a bit overdone, and that's exactly how I felt when my delicious peanut butter cookie was substituted with a chocolate chip cookie dough piece. To me, at least, the flavour felt boring and a let down especially after tasting those awesome peanut butter pieces. If they were just to have a peanut butter cookie dough blizzard, I would of just gotten that. However it would not of been a Jurassic Smash without the chocolate chip / chocolate pieces.

For the actual Blizzard/DQ soft serve ice cream, I tasted a hint of peanut butter however it mostly tasted how it looked like melted twist ice cream where you couldn't tell if it were vanilla one bite in or chocolate the next. Not really a terrible ice cream but it serves the purpose right? It just melts way too fast too. I really don't enjoy that.


This is an interesting blizzard that I hope they bring back without the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Whenever I do get a blizzard 75% of the time I get the Reese's one but if they were to have a just Peanut Butter Cookie Dough blizzard that would be my main flavour. The cookie dough itself was super soft, easy to chew and had a smooth taste that clashed pretty badly with chocolate chip cookie dough.

Pushing aside my recently discovered bias against chocolate chip cookie dough(no idea where that came from), I must say that this is a pretty creative blizzard and a lot of people are going to enjoy this one. This is a must have for peanut butter lovers who love ice cream, and want something different than the typical Reese's and Peanut Parfait.


If you enjoyed this or hated it
OR if you just want to talk DQ or other ice cream flavours I should try
OR any awesome meals (which i should be really reviewing instead of desert)
OR my over use of brackets

Let me know! Thanks for reading.


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